Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Book Review: Speaking From Among the Bones

I'll be honest and say right now that this is my first Flavia de Luce novel and I am hooked! Alan Bradley has created a most interesting world full of colourful and intriguing characters that makes you just want to sit there and read from cover to cover.

In this fifth installment, Flavia's special set of skills that's part intellect, part nerves and mostly innocent tenacity, sets her apart from the adults in her world.

Being 12, and the youngest in her family, Flavia has the run of her own lab in her bedroom and her knowledge of chemicals and processes are second to none. Known by her elders and yet tolerated for her particular skills, she often sees what others cannot and solves each and every crime she stumbles on. 

There's just something great and refreshing to be able to read a novel where all the pieces to the puzzle fall right into place in front of you and still leaves you guessing.

Speaking from Among the Bones is a must read for kids and adults alike.

Look for it in stores January 29th 2013.

images from google

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